Redwood Healing Center offers a combination of simple, natural
modalities to help the body return to its natural state,
letting you focus on enjoying what life has to offer.
As people get older, they tend to feel aches and pains where they hadn’t before. They have the attitude “I’m just getting older, it’s to be expected.” These aches and pains are an adaptation of your body to the layers of injuries experienced over a lifetime, but you don’t have to live with them!
Matrix Repatterning addresses these layers that have occurred over the years so that you no longer feel those aches and pains.
BIE is a non-invasive drug-free modality that helps create an internal balance within your body, known as homeostasis.
It simply reintroduces the frequency of a substance back into your body so that it is able to recognize the substance. Your body can then differentiate between good and bad, harmful and not harmful, and is better able to heal itself.
2024 Redwood Healing Center